20 Things You Somehow Missed In There Will Be Blood

16. Plainvew Is A Master Salesman

There Will Be Blood

This aspect of Plainview's personality is intrinsic given how successful he became in the end. You cannot do that if you're a bad salesman. There must be some charm and deception that can woo the other person, even if the benefit from doing that thing is mutual. We see examples of that in the film.

In a scene with the Bankside couple, Plainview tries to buy their land. He sits opposite them with H.W. The couple seemed hesitant to agree to his proposal. The moment he senses that things aren't going his way, he pauses. Looking over at Mrs. Bankside, he asks about their children and fakes a story about H.W's mother, who "died in childbirth". Appealing to someone's personal nature without being offensive is an art few businessmen have.

From the moment he arrives at the Sunday ranch, Plainview works Abel and his family - with Eli's exception - for their oil. The Little Boston community at large is given false hopes of better education, road infrastructure, and "bread" by Plainview. He knows exacly when and what screws to loosen or tighten, and to what extent.


Arnav Srivastav hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.