20 Things You Somehow Missed In Top Gun

4. Many Measures Were Taken To Hide Tom Cruise's Height

Top Gun
Paramount Pictures

When it comes to Hollywood's worst kept secrets, Tom Cruise's height is pretty much at the top. Even though he tries to hide his stature with shoe lifts, it's common knowledge the action star is only 5ft 7.

But even at the beginning of his career, studios were doing all they can to make him appear taller. While filming Top Gun, actors had to lean to the side or stand slightly behind Tom so it didn't look like they were towering over the main star. This was a bit of a problem since his love interest, Charlie, was played by Kelly McGillis, who stands at 5ft 10. (It doesn't help that the character regularly wears high heels.)

To hide the three-inch difference, Tom wore lifts and the camera was angled in a way so it made him appear taller than she was. So, when the couple are supposedly naked while making out, Tom still has his shoes on!

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Top Gun
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