20 Unluckiest Movie Characters Ever

19. John McClane - Die Hard

As we delightedly cheer on the nonchalant ferocity of John McClane, we rarely reflect on his unhappy situation. Maybe we should. Maybe Die Hard is more than that film what has Alan Rickman being the German bloke. Maybe we should take a moment to feel a great sympathy for the man who, during his attempts to reconcile with his wife, ends up fighting off an elite group of terrorists with questionable accents. I don€™t envy that situation. I particularly wouldn€™t want to do it in a thin vest. Imagine terrorists pointing and laughing at my pale and scrawny biceps. Go on, imagine it.

18. Jude Fawley

jude Based on Thomas Hardy€™s last novel, which was burned and despised for being immoral and depressing, Michael Winterbottom€™s Jude tells the story of Jude Fawley, a lower-class young man who dreams of going to university and being a great scholar. He doesn€™t achieve his dream. This isn€™t necessarily that bad, but then one of his children, believing he is an over-expensive burden to his poor parents, kills himself and his siblings, which causes Jude€™s wife to think God hates them for being unmarried and runs back to the man she used to be married to, but doesn€™t really like, leaving Jude a broken shell of a man forced to roam this cruel earth alone. Which is sort of bad, really.
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