20 Upcoming Films You Should Be Worried About

1. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Release Date: March 25, 2016. The Buzz: Batman (Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill) face off for the first time on the big screen. Zack Snyder directs, while the cast is rounded out by Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Jason Momoa (Aquaman), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White), Ray Fisher (Cyborg), Gal Godot (Wonder Woman), Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor), Jeremy Irons (Alfred Pennyworth) and Scoot McNairy in an unspecified role. Why You Should Be Worried: Because it's one of the most ambitious blockbusters ever made, and has a ridiculous number of moving parts. Making a franchise battle movie that actually works without gimping the more powerful character (Superman) is very difficult, and everyone already knows that the two will eventually team up to take on Lex Luthor anyway. Plus, with so many Justice League characters being hurled into the mix as well, it could feel incredibly bloated and busy, trying to do too much too soon. How It Could Surprise Everyone: Snyder isn't the best of directors, but he did a fine job steering traffic for Man of Steel, and if the script is in good shape (it's been written by Argo's Chris Terrio), then it could live up to the enormous hype train that's already chugging along. Which big upcoming movies are you most worried about? Are there any that you think might prove pleasantly surprising? Shout it out in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.