20 Well-Known Movie "Facts" That Are Actually Bulls**t

18. There's A Shoe In The Asteroid Field - Star Wars: Episode IV - The Empire Strikes Back

From time to time, a Star Wars nerd who thinks he knows everything about the franchise will throw out the following factoid: "During the asteroid field sequence in Empire, two of the asteroids were actually replaced with a potato and a tennis shoe in order to get back at George Lucas, who - at the time - was driving the SFX team crazy with his demands." It's a great fact, and it's deployed by fans with super confidence on a regular basis. Unfortunately, it's not entirely true: whilst there is, in fact, a potato hidden in the asteroid field, there is no tennis shoe (or any type of shoe, actually). This "fact" seems to have been mistakenly attributed to the wrong movie, given that a tennis shoe was included during a space battle sequence in Return Of The Jedi. So, c'mon, people, let's stop spreading this one around and start attributing it to the right movie.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.