20 Worst Films Of All Time

16. The Creeping Terror (1964)

Written by the director of a 3D softcore porno, directed by a conman and starring its own investors, this creature feature has little enough going for it even before the €˜monster€™ appears on screen. Described by Harry and Michael Medved as €œa man-eating carpet from outer space€, our antagonist is just that €“ a carpet draped over several students, whose feet we can see at the bottom of the screen. The opening sequence sets the tone: bad acting, bad lighting and bad cinematography topped off with mismatched stock-footage and stale narration. Director Art J. Nelson (who also plays the lead under the alias €œVic Savage€) either shot the picture without sound or lost the soundtrack in post-production; either way, he brought in a local newsreader to narrate the picture, leading to several scenes where conversations between characters are paraphrased in voice-over. Any movie where a girl wears a bikini for a picnic in the woods isn€™t aiming for High Art, but that doesn€™t excuse the level of technical incompetence on display here. Along with all the visible ropes, wires and crewmembers, we€™re also treated to the sight of the cameraman€™s cigarette smoke drifting into shot following an onscreen death, making you wonder what Nelson actually did.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'