20 Worst Movies Of 2015

2. Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

Rotten Tomatoes: 6% If there's any justice in the world, 2015 will see the end of Kevin James' big screen career as it is. The formerly charming comic actor has been reduced to playing Adam Sandler's sidekick in terrible movies, or leading his own projects that all seem entirely focused on him being fat and clumsy. Way to break the stereotype. This film only exists because a jaw-droppingly large amount of people went to see the first one, so congratulations to everyone who paid to see it. Your reward was 94 minutes of a fat guy on a segway attempting to ignore the fact that his "hilarious" Die Hard spoof is a fountain of manure. Luckily though, it still made $100m at the box office, so there'll no doubt be another one at some point. Unlike even Joe Dirt, this unnecessary sequel doesn't even seem to care whether we care about the lead. He's unsympathetic (which is fatal in any film about a bumbling clown), he's unlikeable and his buffoonery has no accessibility and no humanism. And without heart, these films just end up being nasty invitations to laugh at a portly loser who keeps falling down. But that's apparently enough for $100m.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.