20 Worst Movies Of 2016 (So Far)
16. Cabin Fever
14 years ago, Eli Roth made $30m from a £1.5m budget for his first Cabin Fever movie, which wasn't terrible, but which seemed to marvel more in gore than actual scares. Inevitably the cult horror inspired a franchise, with a dire sequel and a terrible prequel, and somehow it's already time for it to be remade.
It's almost as if Roth decided that the film should be made for purely financial terms, but that it simultaneously had to be utterly terrible so as not to interfere with the original. The result is a film that uses the exact same script as the original (aside from some 40 pages of trims), with even worse actors and bargain basement direction, which looks like an insult.
It's just an exercise in wasted time: if you liked the original, there's no way you'd sign on to a very obviously poor imitation, and if you didn't you're hardly going to give the exact same material another go. But at least it'll give bad film-makers hope that there's space for them in Hollywood.