21 Monstrously Stupid Pieces Of Writing In Godzilla
19. Bryan Cranston Dies
OK, hands up who thought Godzilla, nah, not that bothered. Oh, wait, Bryan Cranstons in it? Ill give it a shot. That guy from Malcolm in the Middle showed the world he could ACT in Breaking Bad and if you went to see this monster movie expecting to see a bit of gravitas brought to it you werent to be disappointed. For the first 20 minutes or so he is clearly the best part of the film. Emotive, believable, compelling, you are gripped watching his performance. Then they kill him off. The circumstances of his death are, of course, contrived but as someone has pointed out, the stated reason for his actual demise was eminently survivable. Either Bryan decided he didnt want to be involved anymore and they wrote him out or the producers thought that a bait and switch for Aaron Taylor-Johnston would be perfectly fine with the audience. What they neglected to do, though, was pick an actor who was capable of filling his shoes so the rest of the film feels like theres a gaping hole it. If they thought that character was superfluous there were many other ways of getting rid of him. In fact, why he didnt die when the entire nuclear plant collapsed around him is a complete mystery but the fact is that killing him killed the movie. There were only 3 good things about this film, Bryan Cranston, Elizabeth Olsen and Godzilla and all three were criminally underused.
I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.