21 Most Insanely Powerful Wizards In Harry Potter Ranked

13. Sirius Black

Sirius Black And Malfoy Gif

As soon as everyone found out that Sirius was good he suddenly became a lot more attractive and a lot less scary. The fact that he is the only person to escape from Azkaban is a massive deal; probably bigger than the fact that he was probably the only innocent person to get sentenced there too. His love for the Potters and his friends is admirable and gives him something worth fighting for, which sadly, he does until the bitter end. He's pretty much the Order's most powerful - though volatile - weapon, alongside Dumbledore, and if it wasn't for his quickness to emotion, he might well have survived a lot longer. His other identity as Padfoot also shows how loyal and dedicated he is to the good wizarding families of the world; his Animagus is a man's best friend, something which fellow Blacks would presumably resent.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com