22 Fantastic Beasts & Harry Potter Characters Who Are Related

4. Torquil Travers & Travers

Torquil Travers Fantastic Beasts
Warner Bros.

Travers was a Death Eater in the Harry Potter films and books who helped murder Marlene McKinnon and her family and was imprisoned in Azkaban for his crimes. He ultimately broke out and participated in the Battle Of The Department Of Mysteries, as well as some other key scenes in the books. He's the Death Eater who holds his wand to Ginny's neck in the films.

He's most likely related to Torquil Travers from the Fantastic Beasts is the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and who questions Albus Dumbledore at Hogwarts. He might be aligned with the good guys, but he comes across as dark-edged and it wouldn't be surprising if he ends up following Grindelwald, which is how his ancestor becomes a Death Eater in the future.


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