22 Greatest Dying Words Of Iconic Movie Villains

16. John Doe - Se7en

The Line: "Oh... he didn't know." How He Dies: Brad Pitt shoots him in the head. John Doe's brilliance is not only in the impeccable delivery of Kevin Spacey's performance, but also in the grotesque genius of his Deadly Sins murder plan, and the incredibly tense sequence at the end of the movie, during which it is revealed that he has killed Gwyneth Paltrow and put her head in a box for good measure, is the perfect pay off for both aspects. Spacey is visceral - calm but tangibly evil in his detachment - his ever so slight eyebrow lifts almost imperceptibly selling his suicidal double-dare, and the wounds he quickly opens in Brad Pitt are the perfect pay-off to an incredible performance. And it's only fitting that his final words are a challenge of Mills' intelligence, considering how much of a merry dance he has led the police department on, even when they believed themselves to be closing in on him.
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