23 Worst Movie Endings Since 2000

11. Halle Berry Is The Killer - Perfect Stranger

Naff psychological thriller Perfect Stranger is at least consistently terrible throughout. It revolves around reporter Rowena Price (Halle Berry) and researcher Miles Haley (Giovanni Ribisi) who are looking into the idea that hotshot executive Harrison Hill (Bruce Willis) has murdered a woman, Grace, he was conducting an affair with. As Rowena digs further, she also becomes suspicious of Miles, who has a bizarre shrine to her at his home, as well as graphic sexual images of Grace, though in the end, the evidence points to Hill, and he is arrested for her murder. Miles visits Rowena sometime later, revealing that he knows she was the real killer and framed Harrison. It's then revealed that Grace had been blackmailing Rowena for witnessing Rowena's mother killing her father (who was trying to molest Rowena) when they were youngsters, and Rowena killed her to stop this. When Miles confronts her, she stabs him to death and calls the police, claiming that he may be Grace's actual murderer. However, Rowena doesn't notice a neighbour who saw what she did through a window, implying that she could very well just be blackmailed once again. Why It Sucks: The revelation that Rowena killed Grace isn't all that bad, but things go into full-on psycho overdrive when she kills Miles. It might've been more interesting if she slept with him to keep him quiet, but then had to live with the paranoia that he might blackmail her continuously, leaving it ambiguous as to whether she would eventually have to kill him too. And the neighbour seeing what she really did was a rather needless, clumsy stinger to keep audiences guessing what might happen next. Terrible.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.