23 Worst Movie Endings Since 2000

9. Lame Identity Rip-Off - The Ward

John Carpenter's terrible film The Ward follows an institutionalised young woman, Kristen (Amber Heard), who is haunted by a ghost-like entity. She is housed with other patients Iris (Lyndsy Fonseca), Sarah (Danielle Panabaker), Emily (Mamie Gummer), and Zoey (Laura Leigh), who are slowly killed off by the grotesque figure one by one, and it soon appears that the ghost is most likely the spirit of Alice Hudson, a former patient at the hospital. The other girls reveal that they teamed up and killed Alice for trying to hurt them, and it appears that she has returned as a ghost to get revenge on them. However, Kristen looks up Alice's patient file and discovers that she is, in fact, Alice, and that the other girls in the movie are just other personalities she fabricated to cope with the sexual abuse she suffered as a child. Alice killing off the other "girls" was in fact just a visual representation to the viewer of Dr. Stringer's (Jared Harris) experimental procedure to cure her multiple personality disorder. Kristen is the only remaining personality, at which point Alice's "ghost" appears, throwing Kristen out of the window. At the end of the movie, Alice appears to be the last personality standing, her treatment effectively completed. She goes to her room to clear it out, when she opens a cupboard door only for Kristen to come bursting out, as we cut to black. Why It Sucks: The whole Identity-esque plot twist was already pretty lame, but horror legend John Carpenter didn't even have the sense to quit there: he had to thrown in a predictable jump scare in case the movie made money and warranted a sequel. Had Alice been cured and just gone home, we might not have felt so much vitriol towards this admittedly already pretty bad horror flick, but this lazy sequel bait just makes us hate it all the more.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.