23 Worst Movie Endings Since 2000

7. It Was All A Dream - Savages

Savages revolves around the bizarre polygamous relationship that best buds Chon (Taylor Kitsch) and Ben (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) have with the gorgeous Ophelia Sage (Blake Lively). As Chon and Ben get in way over their heads with a Mexican drug cartel, Ophelia is kidnapped in order to convince them to lend their drug-growing expertise to the cartel rather than simply flee as they had previously planned. The movie ends with an intense stand-off between cartel leader Elena Sánchez (Salma Hayek), who has Ophelia, and Ben and Chon, who have kidnapped Elena's daughter Magda. During the exchange, a firefight begins, with Ben and Chon being wounded. Chon then injects himself, Ben and Ophelia with a drug overdose so that they can all die together. However, Ophelia then states that this is merely what she believed would happen, and the movie rewinds to show a non-violent resolution, in which Ben and Chon blackmail crooked DEA agent Dennis Cain (John Travolta) into setting them free, and Elena is arrested. We then see Ben, Chon and Ophelia living in a hut somewhere, and the movie ends. Why It Sucks: At 131 minutes, Savages was already a pretty damn long movie. Did it really need this cheap "and it was only a dream" nonsense tacked onto the end? It's as though Oliver Stone realised his boring climax kinda sucked, so glued on some action. What about just...ending the movie how he did the first time?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.