25 Best British Films Of The Last Decade

21. Moon

Duncan Jones' (aka Zowie Bowie aka David Bowie's son) Moon is easily one of the most impressive debut features from any filmmaker, a tale about a man named Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell), who has been mining a helium isotope from the moon for three years, and at the end of his journey, endures an existential crisis. With only an AI pal named GERTY (voiced by Kevin Spacey) for company, it's unsurprising that cabin fever eventually sets in, though to say much more than that would ruin the film's myriad surprises. What's important to know is that Sam Rockwell gives what is easily the best performance of his career as an astronaut coming to some pretty wild realisations. Without saying too much, the role is more demanding than it would immediately seem, and director Jones manages to push the suitable emotional buttons to that effect. It's a superb example of a sci-fi film that doesn't need $50 million to succeed: Moon cost just $5 million to make, but it's hard to believe that just by looking at it.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.