25 Best Shots In All Of Star Wars

3. Sympathetic Vader

Film: Return Of The Jedi When: As the Emperor tortures Luke with Force lightening Darth Vader's suit is, by design, menacing and intimidating. That's the whole point. And yet in the climax of Return Of The Jedi, Richard Marquand does the impossible - without altering the design at all, he makes Vader appear sympathetic. With some low-angle lighting and careful cinematography highlighting the unseen depth to the harsh angles, the fearsome face becomes achingly sad. Phenomenal filmmaking. This is why Lucas adding Vader saying "No" during this shot for the Blu-Ray was pointless - what he's feeling is already abundantly clear, not from his actions, but by how he looks.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.