25 Best Shots In All Of Star Wars

1. The Opening Shot

Film: Star Wars When: At the very start Two minutes of sheer joy, the opening shot of Star Wars is one of the very best moments in all of cinema. First there's the crawl, an oblique throwback to the Flash Gordon serials that inspired Lucas and has now been assimilated by the saga, followed by the pan down to a screen-dominating Tatooine. Then the space battle begins, with the Tantive IV flying overheard before being aggressively followed by an Imperial Star Destroyer. It's not just that the Empire's ship is bigger than the Rebel one it's chasing, immediately telling you everything you need to know about the Galactic Civil War, but that the Star Destroyer feels like it goes on forever. That palpable sense of scale immediately transports you to this new galaxy. All the 3D in the world can't make a more impactful, immersive experience. What's your favourite Star Wars shot? Any major ones we missed? Let us know down in the comments.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.