25 Biggest WTF Moments From 2017 Movies

9. Rooney Mara Eats A Pie For 5 Minutes - A Ghost Story

A Ghost Story Rooney Mara Casey Affleck

Perhaps the most talked-about and debated scene from any "art-house" movie this year was the infamous pie-eating sequence in David Lowery's stunning micro-budget drama A Ghost Story.

The film revolves around a woman, M (Rooney Mara), who recently lost her husband, C (Casey Affleck), in a car accident. As she goes about her life, the ghost of C continues to watch her, draped over a white sheet, observing the passage of time over decades.

In the much-discussed scene, a freshly-grieving M miserably eats an entire pie in her kitchen in one sitting, which Lowery depicts in one prolonged five-minute sequence, transpiring largely over one lengthy take.

It's a devastating, deliberate and highly unconventional way to depict C's heartbreak, forcing the viewer to zero-in on her face, all while C's ghost stands silent in the background. It's a beautiful, weird scene, though it's totally understandable why a lot of people hate it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.