25 Biggest WTF Moments From 2017 Movies

5. The Entire Third Act - The Book Of Henry

The Book Of Henry Naomi Watts
Focus Features

The Book of Henry is without question the year's most bafflingly misguided and tone-deaf "prestige" movie, which takes a sharp left-turn when single mother Susan's (Naomi Watts) genius son Henry (Jaeden Lieberher) dies rather suddenly of a brain tumour.

He leaves behind a book, which includes details on Susan's child molester neighbour Glenn (Dean Norris), who Henry orders his mother to kill, detailing an elaborate plan to carry out the hit and get away with it.

So, Susan does what any grieving parent would and follows her son's request to the letter, grabbing a sniper rifle and setting it up to shoot Glenn...before finally seeing sense and realising how utterly asinine her actions are.

Elsewhere, Henry's younger brother Peter (Jacob Tremblay) performs a magic act at his school's talent show, the climax of which showers the audience with confetti that's supposed to represent the ashes of his dead brother...because that's not creepy or weird at all.

It is a film so utterly divorced from how human beings act, even in their grief, that at times it feels like an extra-terrestrial with no significant human contact devised and executed it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.