25 Greatest Ever Movie Anti-Heroes

10. Randal Graves (Clerks)

Randal Graves (Jeff Anderson) is definitely an a**hole, but he's a loveable a**hole. From the moment we meet him in Clerks, he's a young slacker with extremely wordy opinions on just about everything, proving a frequent foil to both his pal Dante (Brian O'Halloran) and the video store customers he has not an ounce of respect for. Still, to Randal's credit, his frustrations with the idiotic patrons he's forced to serve are more often than not on the money, so in many ways he's a champion for anyone who's ever worked in a similar retail job. Plus, though he's caused Dante a ton of headaches by coercing him into zany schemes and sabotaging his relationships, it's clear in both Clerks movies that he has a very real fondness and protective affection for him. He's the douchebag who, after all that acidity is washed away, has a kind heart underneath. He may not be avenging any murders or saving the girl, but he's a hero for anyone who's had to deal with douchebag customers, even if his manner takes no prisoners whatsoever.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.