25 Greatest Warner Bros Movies Ever
14. A Clockwork Orange
For a lot of people, A Clockwork Orange represents something important in terms of censorship - or more pertinently, it is infamous for its controversy beyond any assessment of actual quality. While it's true that it pushed the boundaries of acceptable film-making content, to not focus on the film's actual quality is needlessly reductive.
The film is the ultimate fantasy of bourgeois anxiety, a real horror show heralding the rise of youth generation in a way that was impossibly on point despite its grotesque skewing. A Clockwork Orange actually feels like one of the smartest, most politically charged films of the 1970s, taking down psychiatric practices, mainstream, stoic repression and beahvioural liberties in one fell swoop.
And thanks to Stanley Kubrick's trademark compulsion to challenge his audience into unease, it's still a difficult film to watch even now. The rewards though are brilliant.