25 Greatest Warner Bros Movies Ever

5. Inception

Warner Bros Films
Warner Bros.

Inception is an impossible entertaining film with the kind of high-concept one might reasonably expect to see on a sci-fi TV show, not in the company of such Hollywood A-listers as Michael Caine, Leonardo DiCaprio and a pre-hype Tom Hardy. But such is the legend of Christopher Nolan, a director so capable of pulling out extraordinary performances that it barely matters what genre he's supposed to be tackling.

What is most impressive about Inception is the fact that it is so heavily impregnated with story: the heist is near impenetrable, the backstory of Cobb looms large and weighs down hard and keeping up with everything is a bit of an ordeal. But it's such a tightly told story that none of the balls in the air are allowed to drop to the floor.

Combined with Nolan's eye for a devastatingly affecting image, Inception's effects are breath-taking and the performances - particularly by DiCaprio - are universally great.

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