25 Greatest Warner Bros Movies Ever

1. The Shining

Warner Bros Films
Warner Bros

It was always going to take something particularly special to dethrone The Dark Knight from the very pinnacle of Warner Bros' podium, but then that's precisely what The Shining is.

It's still scary, both in a creepy, uneasy sort of way that bubbles all the way through like an anxiety attack building, and in a shock-to-death, more conventional way too. And while Stanley Kubrick's methods of getting a performance out of his stars may have been questionable, you can't argue with the results.

Jack Nicholson is wild and manic in perfect measure, but Shelley Duvall's unravelling into frantic despair is ridiculously good (possibly because there was a lot of real emotion in there). Both of their spirals - one to madness, one to victimhood - are completely spell-binding and the real crown jewels on this marvel of a film.

Which movies would you rank as Warner Bros' greatest ever?

On 5th September 2016 Warner Bros released the Iconic Moments Collection, get your copies of the 22 chosen titles now.

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