25 Greatest Warner Bros Movies Ever

19. The Exorcist

Warner Bros Films
Warner Bros.

No matter how many years pass, The Exorcist will remain one of the most legitimately terrifying movies ever made. And no amount of budgets or gimmicky jump scares could ever compete.

It's pretty much a box ticker across everything that makes horror movies that actually stay with you weeks beyond the end credits: it has an innocent child perversely corrupted into something monstrous, it has religious iconography, it drips with atmosphere and it has abuse allegories bubbling under its surface. This is not one of those "laugh it off" scarers; it is an entirely more unrelenting beast.

There is no delight to the chills as one might expect from more charming genre films, but The Exorcist will leave marks, and that's precisely why it continues to be considered a classic.

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