Danny Boyle proves yet another facet of his enormous talent with this low-budget post-apocalyptic horror flick, set in London as the survivors of a viral outbreak find themselves fending off both the Rage-infected humans (basically zombies that can run), and the savage desires of their fellow man. With Boyle's signature psychological complexity alongside some superbly-realised set-pieces and plenty of gore, 28 Days Later reinvented the zombie film (even though there's no zombies in it) for the digital age. Best Moment: Jim's (Cillian Murphy) opening walk around deserted Westminster is not only intensely harrowing, but a mind-boggling achievement, given how Boyle and co. had just a short window of time to close off sections of Central London road to film these segments. The results are nothing short of haunting. Sequels: 28 Weeks Later was released in 2007 to unexpected critical acclaim, living up to the brilliance of the first film, while Boyle has continually confirmed over the years that 28 Months Later is a consideration, even if, 7 years later, the boat may have sailed on that one.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.