25 Most Exciting Movies Still To Come In 2020

23. Tenet

Tenet John David Washington
Warner Bros. Pictures

Come on, you already know the deal with this one by now. If you've ever seen a film from Batman Begins helmer Christopher Nolan you know the director plays his cards close to his chest and refuses to reveal anything about his blockbusters until they are in cinemas.

Like Inception before it, the film has been described only as the story of John David Washington's Protagonist, a man in the employ of the eponymous organisation, who is tasked with preventing a third world war. Beyond that, viewers no nothing but the tantalizing glimpses seen so far, none of which reveal much in the way of plot.

What is certain is that this much anticipated spy thriller features one of the director's most impressive casts, including Robert Pattinson, Michael Caine, and Kenneth Brannagh.

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Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.