25 Most Hotly Anticipated Upcoming Comic Book Movies

24. Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice (2016)


Man Of Steel may have received a luke-warm reception at best, and Ben Affleck's casting as Batman hasn't inspired much hope, but the movie will be groundbreaking to say the least.

It'll be drawing heavily from Frank Miller's stunning The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel, and the prospect of seeing Batman face off against Krypton's last son is an extremely exciting one. The movie will also kick DC's Cinematic Universe into life, which is exciting in itself.

Starring Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Laurence Fishburne it's a genuine event movie and another big part of why 2016 is going to be so incredible.


A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: http://samuelclements.wordpress.com/