25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

6. Scarlet Witch

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

Wanda Maximoff is arguably the biggest wildcard character in the entire MCU, as she's already proved by being unhinged, switching sides and being hugely wounded by the death of her brother.

But away from questions about her stability, she's incredibly powerful, thanks to embodying the mutated powers of the Mind Stone, which give her telekinetic, psionic and telepathic powers. She can levitate, she is capable of making intensely durable force-fields and psionic energy blasts. And at the peak of her powers, she has the ability to alter reality, using enemies' fears against them.

Scarlet Witch's time as the most problematic figure in the MCU might yet come if Marvel follow through on the seeded narrative hints and go somewhere like House Of M in future, and by then we should really see her full - potentially terrible - powers in flow.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.