25 Most Powerful Comic Book Movie Villains

6. Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Loki Tom Hiddlestone's Loki has shown some signs of good but more obvious signs of evil, being the antagonist that led an alien army (the Chitauri) to attack the Earth. He is cunning and manipulative, whilst also possessing the physical prowess to stand up to his brother Thor in combat, making him a threat on more than one level. Power wise, he is a highly adept combatant, very physically strong thanks to his Asgardian upbringing and Frost Giant heritage and can throw grown men across a room, he is durable to the extent that he can completely shrug off bullets and take a beating from Hulk and come away relatively unscathed, he is quick and astute enough to catch an arrow fired at him from behind, while his more esoteric powers allow him to cast illusions and generate extreme cold, such as when he froze the lightning in the Bifrost Bridge to jam its functions. His main weakness is his ego, which tends to get the better of him.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.