The most intriguing film on this year's slate from the Harry Potter cast is definitely The Circle, which will see Emma Watson playing Mae Young, who gets a job at the hugely powerful titular tech company that makes personal surveillance cameras that build a culture of openness in which secrets become toxic. As a growing face of the company, Mae ends up gaining hundreds of followers to her own SeeMe (the name of the cameras) feed, but is entangled in the death of her ex, which draws her down a darker path that leads her to the former founder of the company who asks her to help bring it down from the inside. It's basically the most pertinently modern film of all time. The cast is hugely talented, with Watson playing alongside Tom Hanks, John Boyega, Karen Gillan, Patton Oswalt and Bill Paxton. Which of these films are you most excited to see? Share your reactions below in the comments thread below.