25 Predictions For This Summer's Rotten Tomatoes Scores

12. Jurassic World (68%)

Predicted Critical Consensus: "Undeniably uneven but nevertheless a welcome return to form, Jurassic World benefits from solid performances and riveting action sequences." Before Universal started releasing trailers, this prediction would've sat at around the 80-85% mark, but seeing the movie in motion and hearing more about the premise, it just doesn't sound like Jurassic World will be much more than a disposable if intermittently entertaining dino action flick. Sure, it'll probably outdo the previous two movies with ease (52% and 49% respectively), but don't expect a classic on par with the original. While critics are less likely to be nitpicky about plot details the fanboys are already complaining about (specifically the whole "domesticated raptors" concept), don't expect them to trip over their nostalgia and go too easy on the movie. 3-star reviews across the board seem pretty likely.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.