25 Things You Didn’t Know About Pulp Fiction

19. John Travolta Got Drunk In A Hot Tub To "Research" His Role

Vincent Vega

Despite the self-reflexive nature of John Travolta's performance as Vincent Vega, the actor did take a studious approach to researching the character, especially as it pertained to his heroin addiction.

Because neither Travolta nor Tarantino had ever used heroin themselves - thankfully - Tarantino hooked Travolta up with an addict he was acquainted with, in order to get a better idea of what taking heroin felt like.

The addict gave Travolta one very specific piece of advice: get wasted on tequila and lie down in a hot pool.

Travolta duly complied, happily explaining to his wife Kelly Preston that he "had" to get drunk and lounge around in the hotel pool, causing her to join him.

Cue the pair of them lining up tequila shots along the edge of the pool in order to help him "prep" for playing Vincent. Travolta ended up receiving a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his efforts, so you can't knock the method.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.