25 Things You Didn't Know About Ghostbusters
The Ghostbusters are ready to believe you, but can you believe these facts about the 1984 classic?

When thinking about iconic eighties movies, there’s always one question that runs through your mind, and that’s who you gonna call? The answer has always been a resounding GHOSTBUSTERS, but who knows how different things could have been if writer Dan Aykroyd had chosen to use one of his original titles?
It isn’t just the name of the film that was changed without us ever knowing. Over the decades lots of fascinating facts have come to light surrounding the history of the Ghostbusters movie, many of which are as fun and unexpected as the story itself.
So, if you fancy yourself as a bit of a know it all in the field of ghostbusting circa 1984, then why not put your proton pack where your mouth is, grab yourself a Twinkie, and dig deep into the mythos of this bonafide classic.
25. Don't Cross The Streams

Perhaps the biggest truth any of us ever learned came directly from the mouths of our beloved Ghostbusters, and that is under no circumstances should you EVER cross the streams.
According to Egon, crossing the streams as being like "all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light", which definitely sounds like something you’d want to avoid. Surprisingly though, that iconic line, and important plot point, never existed before filming began.
Ramis would go on to explain that in the final shooting script, any actual mention of how the team manages to defeat Gozer was just left out. When it came to filming, the guys relied on a load of nonsensical psychobabble about what could happen if their blasters overlapped to baffle audiences in the hopes that no one would notice. Fortunately for everyone involved, the plan worked, and an iconic movie moment was born from a split-second decision.