25 Worst Christmas Movies Of All Time

10. Surviving Christmas (2004)

Santa With Muscles

If that s***-eating grin from Ben Affleck isn't enough to put you off the film, Surviving Christmas was nominated for three Razzies (Worst Picture, Worst Screenplay and Affleck for Worst Actor) and was released near the end of Affleck's early-2000s slump, which included other busts such as Daredevil, Gigli, Paycheck and Jersey Girl.

The premise is low-effort (Affleck is a millionaire who pays James Gandolfini and his family to spend Christmas with them), Affleck has never been more annoying and the only actor who escapes with their dignity in tact is poor Christina Applegate.

With an abysmally meagre laugh count and a thoroughly unlikable protagonist, this is right at the top of movies Affleck probably wishes he never made.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.