25 WTF Moments From Batman Forever

18. Chase Hijacks The Bat-Signal To Seduce Batman

Bats sees the Bat signal and heads out to meet it, expecting to find the Commissioner waiting for him. However, it turns out to be Dr. Chase Meridian (Nicole Kidman), who explains Two-Face's weakness to bats (something he already knows), and then basically attempts to seduce him. Cue a ton of cringe-worthy dialogue from both Bats ("It's the car, right? Chicks love the car") and Chase ("My life's an open book. You read?"), the latter of whom appears to become rather aroused at Batman's black rubber outfit, caressing it. Even when Batman rebuffs her, Chase doesn't give up easy, stripping down to a revealing outfit to try and tempt Bats' loins, and despite Kidman's undeniable sexiness along with an amusing Catwoman reference ("Do I need skintight vinyl and a whip?"), the whole thing feels like a massive waste of Batman's time (not to mention the audience's) and, of course, a gross abuse of the Bat signal.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.