25 WTF Moments From Friday The 13th Films

16. Serenading On The Porta Potty - Friday The 13th: A New Beginning

After spending some quality time with his little brother and his girlfriend at the trailer park, young troublemaker Demon gets a case of the runs courtesy of some €œdamn enchiladas€ and beats a path straight to the nearest outhouse.

While Demon is in the port-o-potty, his girlfriend Anita begins shaking the outhouse. Demon doesn€™t find this funny at all and tells her, €œYou€™re gonna get it, b*tch!€ Anita soothes him by cooing a song whose only words appear to be €œooo baby€ and €œhey baby€. Demon reciprocates and, in doing so, creates one of the most memorable non horror moments of the series.

You know you€™re in the company of a like-minded F13 fan if you start singing this and someone completes it. Just a warning though, if you€™re not in the company of a like-minded fan, you€™ll just look like an idiot.


Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com