25 WTF Moments From The Mission: Impossible Franchise

3. Ethan Climbs The Burj Khalifa (Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol)

Likely trumping the original movie's wire scene to become Mission: Impossible's most iconic suspense sequence, Ghost Protocol sees Ethan using special grip gloves to climb up a portion of the Burj Khalifa, in order to access a server room. It's a palm-sweatingly tense scene, all the more so when one of Hunt's gloves malfunctions and he has to just make the best of it, only barely getting inside the server room. Then, when he attempts to return to Brandt (Jeremy Renner), Carter (Paula Patton) and Benji, he doesn't have enough slack to make the journey safely, so has to catapult himself towards the window. He hits the edge of the window and almost falls over 1000 feet to his death, but Brandt grabs onto him, and Carter grabs onto Brandt, just barely pulling Hunt back to safety. And the kicker? Cruise did all the stunt-work himself. He was secured by cables painted out in post-production, but still, it's impressively ballsy all the same.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.