27 Things You Didn't Know About Reservoir Dogs

23. Madonna Disagreed With Tarantino's Interpretation Of "Like A Virgin"

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One of Reservoir Dogs' most memorable dialogues occurs in the film's opening moments, where Mr. Brown theorises that Madonna's hit "Like a Virgin" is about a promiscuous woman who, upon consorting with an especially well-endowed man, is reminded of the pain of a virgin's first time.

Later that year, Madonna saw the film herself and, while she professed to enjoy it, nevertheless disagreed with Tarantino's interpretation of her song.

As a follow-up, she sent the director a copy of hew new album Erotica and signed it, "To Quentin. It's not about d**k, it's about love. Madonna."

In a cute coincidence, you'll notice that Nice Guy Eddie doesn't chime in on the conversation about the song, given that his brother, Sean Penn, had been previously married to the singer for four years and didn't want to say anything about his former sister-in-law.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.