27 Young Actors Destined To Dominate Hollywood In The Next Decade

20. Melissa Benoist

Young Actors

Known for: Supergirl, Glee, Whiplash

Melissa Benoist may be busy saving the world on The CW's Supergirl, but she will undoubtedly remain busy for a long time, even after the show comes to an end. First rising to fame for her semi-regular role on Glee, she would go on to appear in movies such as Patriot's Day, Sun Dogs and the Oscar-winning Whiplash before becoming the Girl of Steel.

As Supergirl, she is engaging, powerful and everything that a superhero should be. Much like her character, Benoist isn't afraid to be adventurous either, as she made time earlier this year to deliver a strong dramatic performance in FX's historical series Waco and also recently made her Broadway debut, portraying Carole King in Beautiful: The Carole King Musical.

Already an accomplished actress thus far, this Supergirl's career will continue to soar to new heights in the next decade.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.