3 Movies That Scare The Crap Out Of You (But Not For The Reasons You’d Think)

2. The Shining€™s Hotel Rather Than Jack Nicholson

the shining dead This may be a controversial one for people but when asked what the scariest part of The Shining really is, I will hands down always mention the same thing, which is not Mr Nicholson€™s brilliant performance. Let me be clear that I€™m not taking away from that in any way, it is another perfect part of a perfect movie that I love. Nor is the scariest thing the creepy twins, again very scary stuff what with the innards dotted around the room and all. The thing I constantly remember scaring the crap out of me and returning to me again and again is that goddamn elevator spouting a whale-load of blood directly at me. Every time I see it in my mind€™s eye it nauseates and causes goose bumps. Including six times across the last two sentences. This hotel has just thrown up blood in my face like Sam Raimi to Bruce Campbell. And it doesn€™t stop there, the Overlook Hotel is the biggest source of dread within the film and Stanley Kubrick knew how to best bring that dread into our cinemas, living rooms and hearts. The sickening wallpapers, the mesmerizing carpets (so mesmerizing in fact, that people are forced to make up complete bullshit theories about it, I mean I'm terrified of the carpet, but it is just a carpet.) (I'm not really terrified of The Carpet) (The Carpet sounds like the sequel to Teeth) (Stopping now)...where was I? Oh yes, mesmerizing carpet and special collection of water rotted women and incredibly intense butlers. All these factors contribute to the sense of manic menace that permeates this film. Not only this, but the fact that it is the Overlook that causes Jack€™s own insanity shows that it is the true force to be reckoned with.

Finally putting my English Degree to some use.