30 Greatest Best Picture Oscar Nominees Of The Last Ten Years

29. Dunkirk

Birdman Michael Keaton
Warner Bros.

One of the many terrific films from 2018's mostly smashing Best Picture line-up, Dunkirk, Christopher Nolan's recreation of the Dunkirk Evacuations, is cinema in its purest form.

It's an overwhelmingly visceral technical masterpiece in which Christopher Nolan uses a stunning ensemble cast and every drop of his filmmaking brilliance to place viewers right in the centre of events.

Ultimately, the film is actually fairly light on character development and simply allows the events of those few days to speak for themselves; this is, believe it or not, one of the film's biggest strengths.

There's absolutely none of the manipulative melodrama or tiresome flag-waving that plagues many WWII movies in Dunkirk. Instead, it's a faithful, sensitive recreation that fully captures the nightmare and tragedy of war, making this a heartfelt, sensitive and wrenching historical thriller that is, quite arguably, one of the best WWII movies of all time.

It's unfortunate that Nolan followed up one of his best movies with Tenet, one of his very worst - you know, the ridiculous time travel film where you couldn't even hear the dialogue. Still, it sounds like 2023's Oppenheimer will not only be a return to form for the legendary filmmaker, but also a return to the Best Picture field.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.