31 Easter Eggs You Missed In The Detective Pikachu Movie Poster

1. M2 Graffiti

Detective Pikachu Poster
Warner Bros.

As we've seen in the trailers, the world's self-described most powerful Pokémon Mewtwo is making an appearance in the film. This shorthand graffiti scrawled across a dumpster in a prominent position on the movie poster won't be a coincidence.

Is this some reference to an underground resistance or support network for this psychic powerhouse? We can also spot an 'R' on the left-side too, so fingers crossed for Team Rocket too!

Are there any more Easter Eggs that you can see in the poster?


A magazine editor who also happens to love Kingdom Hearts, Pokémon, films, TV, and games. Is willing to knit and crochet for Pokémon cards.