31 Most Iconic Lines From Batman Movies

22. Take That, Ra's

The Quote: "I won't kill you... but I don't have to save you"

The moment in Batman Begins when Ducard's words come back to haunt him as Batman proves that he is actually able to do what his father couldn't but that he doesn't actually need to to dispense with the villain. The film undoubtedly sets up the moment as a trigger for Bruce Wayne to become Batman, as he flirts throughout the story with becoming a different type of evil to the forces he seeks to take down, and Nolan teases the audience into thinking that Batman's arc would include a sinister killing. And just as it appears that that is exactly what will happen, Nolan pulls us back, giving Batman another hero moment, but also adding the necessary cap to the storyline and killing off Ducard.

21. Colonic Irritation

The Quote: "Can someone tell me what kind of a world we live in, when a man dressed up as a BAT, takes all of my press... This town needs an enema!"

The Joker's perpetual bemusement at Gotham's fascination with the Batman is one of the best things about Tim Burton's iteration of the character; while Heath Ledger's counter-point villain reinforces the idea that Batman basically creates his own villains, Burton's idea of having a jealous Joker, whose grotesque quest for validation of his evil genius manifests in a need for column inches is the perfect answer to the hedonism of the film's contemporary period. And it paints a picture of a dangerous, near petulant child with all the tools to reign terror on those who ignore him, which adds a perverse and different level to his grotesqueness.

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