31 WTF Moments From Furious 7

12. The Awkward Pregnancy Phone Call

Early on in the movie, Mia tells her brother Dom that she's pregnant, but hasn't yet told Brian, aware that he already feels anchored down by the "white picket fence" lifestyle. Just ahead of the final set-piece, though, they share a tender phone call where Mia tells him she's pregnant with their daughter, and if you pay close attention, the whole exchange plays out quite unnaturally, suggesting it was likely added after Walker died. For starters, Brian's reaction to having another baby is surprisingly muted for something so life-changing: he just breathes out and doesn't make a single explicit reference to the baby for the rest of the scene. It's been confirmed that Jordana Brewster didn't film her half of the scene until after Walker died, but even Walker's side of the conversation feels pieced together as he sticks to relatively generic dialogue which doesn't reference the pregnancy at all. It's rather likely that the pregnancy was added into the scene in retrospect to add more emotional and dramatic weight to Brian's retirement.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.