3:10 to Yuma tracking $15 million for the weekend
The Western is back on top for the first time in 15 years, though a projected $15 million opening will hardly be one for studio's to start churning out the genre again.
3:10 to Yuma. The awesome movie took home $5 million on Friday which should result in a $15 million taking by Monday morning. I'm still slightly disapointed with the number but ya know, Westerns haven't been marketable for years and with this movie opening at number 1 and getting great critical acclaim... it might revive an interest in audiences for future films when those who stayed away see it on DVD and hopefully if/when the movie gets some Academy Award acclaim. The movie budgeted at $55 million, will now need a successful over-sea's gross to make it's money back but I have a feeling it will go down well in the U.K. The movie has been superbly advertised over the last couple of weeks and even though it will be opening up against Disturbia (which was hit in the U.S. remember), I have a feeling it might make some good money. So if your looking for positives, the Western is back on top. That's good right, and that fact hasn't been the case for 15 years. One thing Yuma did was take away from Shoot 'Em Up's male demographic as the movie took home less than $2 million on Friday and will likely open at 5th when the weekend is over. I told ya, they should have released that Clive Owen/Monica Bellucci sex and violence clip earlier and in theatres! Thankfully everyone has realised that Halloween is a big piece of garbage and Zombie's remake will die a quick death as will hopefully the newly rebooted franchise. The movie took home only $3 million on Friday and will probably drop over 70% in takings for a less than $10 million weekend. CHECK BACK ON MONDAY FOR THE FULL BOX OFFICE CHART RUNDOWNP.S. - If your in the U.S. catch the 3:10 train to Yuma, you won't regret it! source - fantasy moguls, slash film