37 WTF Moments From The Hunger Games Movies

33. Katniss "Dies"...Twice (Mockingjay Part 2)

Because she hasn't suffered enough, Katniss technically "dies" twice in Mockingjay Part 2, first when heading out into the field to a record a propaganda clip, where she's shot in the chest and presumed dead. Of course, President Snow is smart enough to know otherwise, and so the whole audience fake-out for two minutes seems totally pointless. Then, as Katniss and her unit make their way through the city to Snow's mansion, a Peacekeaper hit squad arrives, fires at some insurgents and levels an entire building with explosives, which the Capitol then airs clips of to imply that Katniss has killed, their own serving of propaganda to try and crush the rebellion. She is, of course, totally fine, and uses the opportunity to covertly edge closer to Snow's location....so it kinda backfired.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.