4 Reasons Why Midnight Screenings Are Not A Good Idea

2. You Will Most Likely Be All Alone At The Movies

111661750-e1332431224530 Alone in the figurative sense, not literally. Anyway, Surviving the jungle perhaps wouldn't be so bad if you had someone with you. Tarzan had Jane. George of the Jungle had Ursula. King Kong had Naomi Watts. Surely you could find a suitable companion like that who will help you brave the dangers of a midnight screening. Better to jump off a bridge in tandem then solo (the company makes the way down more pleasurable). Finding someone to go with you to a midnight screening for some is an easy affair. Still, there are others who often end up having to hassle their friends, family, or significant other into accompanying them to a midnight screening. It's not a pleasant or empowering thing to go through, begging for companionship, but it's sometimes the only way to make sure you don't go alone. I've been there before myself; begging for a movie companion. It was not a good place to be. I even got angry one time at my sister. We had been planning for a while to do a midnight show but then she suddenly bowed out. The traitor. I couldn't believe someone who would want to give up a perfectly horrible and frustrating time at the movies just so they could perform well in school and work the next day. Remember, I said I wasn't in a good place. Keep in mind folks that those friends, family, and significant others you have in your life are human beings with commitments and responsibilities of their own. It would be unfair of you, as it was of me, to expect a person to put their life on hold just so you don't have to endure an uncomfortable bit of stranger danger with the person you sit next to at the show. In a situation like that, when you're faced with either going solo or bust, it's good to use a little patience and common sense. It's not as if my sister didn't want to see the movie. She said she would have gladly accompanied me the next day after she was done with her commitments. If I had taken her up on her offer I would have been able to get a good nights sleep myself . Then I would have went to the movies the next day with someone I have a good time with instead of going by my lonesome and forcing myself to have awkward conversations with strangers. How awkward are the conversations? I'll just say they almost always start with the same opening line: "Hey do you have the time?" Riveting.
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Raymond Woods is too busy watching movies to give you a decent bio. If he wasn't too busy watching movies and reading books about movies and listening to podcasts about movies, this is what he'd tell you. "I know more about film than you. Accept this as a fact and we might be able to talk."