4 Times Disney Got The Science Right (And 4 Times It Didn't)

2. Lion King: How We All Learnt What Stars Are

Whilst some science in The Lion King has already been roundly dissed by yours truly, you have to commend them on their little knowing nod to scientific accuracy. Whilst Simba, Timon and Pumba all lay back and look at the stars, they wonder what they could possibly be. Simba, the supposed brains behind the operation, reckons that they're all his dead royal predecessors, revealing himself as the tory monarchist that he is. Timon, the other supposed brains insists that they're fireflies, but the allegedly thick one, thinks that they're "balls of gas burning billions of miles away", getting a thumbs up from the science police (although if we're being really picky, stars don't burn, they generate energy by nuclear fission). This is presumably before Simba attempted to eat them both but was gored to death by Pumba, one of the most dangerous animals on the savannah, in the film's beautifully tragic denouement. I forget how it ended.

Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.