40 Most Ridiculous Moments In The Fast & Furious Franchise

20. Cars Parachuting Out Of A Plane (And They Did It For Real) (Furious 7)

One of the most eye-catching clips from trailers for Furious 7 so far is a scene where Dom and the gang drive their cars out of a C-130 plane, free-falling through their air before deploying parachutes which land them safely in the mountains of Azerbaijan. To make matters even more absurd, a behind-the-scenes featurette reveals that this scene was achieved practically for the most part. Sure, the actors are composited into some shots and some of the more outlandish shots are CGI, but the stunt team actually dropped several cars out of a plane and used sky-divers with cameras mounted to their heads to film the action. It's one thing for the series to feature insane stunts, but that a good amount of it was achieved practically takes it to the next level of blockbuster filmmaking.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.